Blepharoplasty Melbourne
Correct the effect of sun damage, and aging by removing loose skin and fat around the upper and lower eyelids.
Eyelid surgery to restore youthful appearance in the face or improve obscured vision
Upper eyelid surgery involves resection of excess skin and also some muscle and fat when appropriate for your case. Lower eyelid surgery involves an incision just below the lower eyelashes and readjusting the support structures of the lower eyelid. Very little skin is resected.

Common reasons why people consider having blepharoplasty
What is involved with blepharoplasty?
- General anaesthetic or local anaesthetic with sedation.
- Surgery Duration: Usually about one – two hours of operating time.
Recovery After Surgery
- Patients most commonly require a hospital stay of one night in Melbourne.
- Facial and eye area may be a little bit bruised for a few days. This can be covered with makeup and is largely resolved by the two week mark.
- You may find that your eyes are a little dry, gritty or sensitive to sunlight in the initial phase.
- Mobilisation and activity will gently increase which generally means you’ll be back to most normal day to day activities within a week.
- Social interaction in public can often occur within one to two weeks.
- Able to drive when feeling comfortable.
- No heavy lifting/exercise for two weeks e.g. avoid gym, aerobics, running.
Post-Operative Care & Review
A/Prof Dean White will see you in hospital after your surgery and/or prior to your discharge from hospital.
Post-operative visits with A/Prof White:
Approximately three – four days after surgery
At this stage A/Prof White will make sure that you are well and the wounds are healing nicely.
Six weeks post-surgery review
At this time you will have a better idea of what the final result from surgery will be like.
12 months
If there are any concerns with your Blepharoplasty procedure you will be seen more frequently.
Surgical Goals
- Address the excess skin of the upper eyelids.
- Address the bulging/sagging of the lower eyelids.
- Tightening of the lower eyelid may also be required (Canthopexy or canthoplasty).
- Preserve the current appearance of the eye shape so that the patient doesn’t look “operated on”.
Before deciding to have blepharoplasty surgery you should consider the following:
- Previous eye conditions can be affected especially if you have dry eyes, glaucoma, wear contact lenses or have had laser surgery.
- If you are a smoker: STOP Smoking.
- You should have a generally good level of fitness and health.
Alternatives to Surgery
No surgery or delaying surgery.
In some cases resurfacing procedures may be appropriate e.g. laser.
Non-surgical interventions such as fillers or anti-wrinkle injections.
Risks To Consider
In otherwise well people, general anaesthesia is very safe with modern techniques. A/Prof White’s rooms will give you the details of your anaesthetist prior to surgery to discuss any specific concerns.
This may need a return to the operating theatre to evacuate the blood clot (retrobulbar haematoma). If this extremely rare complication occurs, there is a risk of blindness, especially with lower eyelid surgery. Infection in the wound – If this does occur, is usually cleared up with antibiotic tablets. Wound infection is very rare in blepharoplasty / eyelid surgery.
DVT/PE (Deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus)
Blood clots that are potentially very serious and even life threatening, which can form in the legs and travel to the lungs. Multiple strategies are employed to minimise the risk of this occurring. Very rare in eyelid surgery.
DVT/PE (Deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus)
Blood clots that are potentially very serious and even life threatening, which can form in the legs and travel to the lungs. Multiple strategies are employed to minimise the risk of these occurring.
Wound healing issues
Stretch marks may not all be removed or new ones may be created. Gathers in the wound are often present at either end. These settle over several weeks to months in the majority of cases but sometimes may need a small revision. Initially there is almost always some contour issues or puckers. These settle down in most cases over several weeks.
Typically are at their thickest and reddest at 6-10 weeks after surgery. Scars continue to mature and improve for up to 18 months after surgery. Scar management advice will be discussed in your follow up visit with A/Prof White to assist in achieving the goal of a thin, barely noticeable scar. (Note: Any resulting scar is designed to be hidden in the crease of the upper eyelid whilst the scar for lower eyelid surgery is just under the lower eyelashes).
The scars may be slightly different on your right compared to the left side.
Wound separation/delayed healing
This is much more common in smokers or if there is an infection.
Upper eyelids
If the procedure is done poorly or in the case of multiple operations, too much tissue can be resected, possibly creating problems with eyelid closure.
Lower eyelids
Any operation on the lower eyelid can lead to some initial weakness potentially causing some sagging of the lower eyelid (ptosis). This very often resolves within a short period of time. It may require some taping for support whilst it does resolve. In your pre-operative assessment, it will be determined whether eyelid tightening procedures are required to minimise the chance of this occurring.
Find out more about the cautions to consider from Associate Professor White
Upper and lower eyelid surgery Melbourne
If you are considering upper eyelid or lower eyelid blepharoplasty, Melbourne-based specialist plastic surgeon Associate Professor Dean White can assist you with finding the plastic surgery procedure that suits your needs and desires. Get in touch with Associate Professor Dean White:
Face Surgery Resources

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