Your BII Questions Answered: Signs and Symptoms Of Breast Implant Illness

If you’re looking into getting breast implants, you may have come across the term Breast Implant Illness before. For some women, this risk is a cause of concern – but it’s important to know that this illness is experienced by a minority of patients who have undergone surgery, and beyond that it’s a condition that is yet to be proven directly correlated with implants.

As you continue reading, we hope to help you gain a better understanding of what Breast Implant Illness is, and how it may affect somebody undergoing breast implant surgery.

This article outlines the common symptoms and basic facts related to BII, including our Breast Implant Symptoms list. For personalised advice regarding plastic surgery, contact A/Prof Dean White today.

What is Breast Implant Illness?

Breast Implant Illness (known also as BII), is an overarching term used to describe the variety of symptoms some women attribute to their breast implants. These symptoms can come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes related to pains throughout the body and sometimes affecting overall energy levels.

While BII is often considered directly related to the implants by those who have experienced the condition, the fact that the common symptoms are often experienced regularly by the general public makes it hard for any definitive studies to prove the illness exists. This does not, however, mean that the women experiencing BII aren’t valid in their discomfort.

What Are Common Breast Implant Illness Symptoms?

There is a broad array of symptoms that may be attributed to Breast Implant Illness. Ultimately, this condition can be experienced in a wide variety of different ways, and two women who have both had BII may have undergone entirely different symptoms. Widely reported complaints include a ‘foggy brain’, general tiredness or fatigue, and an assortment of pains over the body. Other common symptoms women experience during BII include:


      • Hair loss

      • Hormonal changes

      • Skin rashes

      • Anxiety

      • Light sensitivity

      • Chills

      • Chronic fatigue

      • Chest pain

      • Headaches

      • Body aches

      • Difficulty sleeping

      • Body odour

      • Memory problems

    Who is Most Likely to Get Breast Implant Illness?

    The short answer is that nobody is specifically more likely to get BII. No specific sub-group of women seems to develop the symptoms, and sometimes patients who experience symptoms will even show normal results when their blood samples are taken. Sometimes auto-immune conditions can explain some of the symptoms, but ultimately there are no obvious pre-existing conditions or lifestyle habits that increase your chances of experiencing BII.

    What Research Has Been Done on Breast Implant Illness?

    Currently, there is no definitive study that has proven that BII even occurs. At this stage there isn’t a direct, evidentiary link between Breast Implant Illness and implants themselves, nor is there research showing that there is a sub-group of women who may be more likely to experience the condition.

    So, unfortunately, there is little hard evidence to show as to whether you may risk experiencing these symptoms yourself. There are instances of women having complained of BII and finding their symptoms improved after removal of the implants, however – so there may be discoveries in the future regarding the correlation.

    All in all, there is no clear-cut way to know if you may experience Breast Implant Illness. There is nothing to worry about, though. These symptoms appear only in a minority of patients, and anything concerning about your implants can be discussed with your surgeon, who will promptly act to help improve your comfort. At the end of the day, if you have any concerns about getting implants or want to seek advice from a medical professional, it’s best to take all your questions directly to an experienced plastic surgeon.

    Contact A/Prof Dean White to Answer Any Other BII Questions

    Getting implants is a big decision, and there’s always plenty to think over when deciding if plastic surgery is the right option for you. When it comes to concerns about Breast Implant Illness or any other potential side effects of surgery, however, your best option is always to talk to a surgeon who can walk you through everything.

    With countless surgeries completed, A/Prof Dean White has seen just about every circumstance possible – including several women who have experienced BII. To enquire about whether surgery is the best solution for your needs, contact A/Prof Dean White today.



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