Liposuction Melbourne
Achieve your ideal body shape
Liposuction – This is designed to re-contour areas that may be resistant to weight loss through diet and exercise. It is a targeted procedure and not done as a weight loss measure.
Whilst often considered less “serious” than surgery it is important to realise that it is still a significant intervention with its own set of risks and adverse outcomes. A specialist anaesthetist is always present, and it is performed only in accredited hospitals.
A/Prof White explains the difference between liposuction and abdominoplasty
Risks To Consider
In otherwise well people, general anaesthesia is very safe with modern techniques. A/Prof White’s rooms will give you the details of your anaesthetist prior to surgery to discuss any specific concerns.
This may need a return to the operating theatre to evacuate a blood clot. This can impact on wound healing or skin survival.
Infection in the wound
If this does occur it can usually be cleared up with antibiotic tablets.
DVT/PE (Deep venous thrombosis/pulmonary embolus)
Blood clots that are potentially very serious and even life threatening, which can form in the legs and travel to the lungs. Multiple strategies are employed to minimise the risk of these occurring.
Wound healing issues
Stretch marks may not all be removed or new ones may be created. Gathers in the wound are often present at either end. These settle over several weeks to months in the majority of cases but sometimes may need a small revision. Initially there is almost always some contour issues or puckers. These settle down in most cases over several weeks.
Typically are at their thickest and reddest at 6-10 weeks after surgery. Scars continue to mature and improve for up to 18 months after surgery. Scar management advice will be discussed in your follow up visit with A/Prof White to assist in achieving the goal of a thin, barely noticeable scar.
The scars may be slightly different on your right compared to left side.
Wound separation/delayed healing
This is much more common in smokers or if there is an infection.
Skin necrosis/loss
Very rare complication and almost only seen in smokers. If it does occur it needs significant aftercare, possibly more surgery and even skin grafting in the most extreme cases.
Clear/straw like fluid that can collect following surgery. Usually it settles down with no intervention but if persistent or large may require drainage in the rooms (sometimes on several occasions) or even a drain tube to be inserted.
Generally settles down over weeks to months.
Find out what’s involved in the recovery after a liposuction procedure
What's Involved in Liposuction?
Liposuction is a technique that targets fat cells in particular areas, removing stubborn fat deposits that are resisting diet modification and exercise. This is considered one of the safer cosmetic surgeries in Melbourne, though with all invasive procedures, risks do apply. Liposuction is used to create a slender body shape and decrease your body’s fat ratio.
During the procedure, a thin tube, which is called a cannula, is inserted into an inconspicuous location with the use of local or general anaesthetic. This is then connected to a suction device to remove the fat cells using a technique that will not damage surrounding tissues.
Am I a Candidate for Liposuction?
Men and women can undergo liposuction, which can be undertaken by itself or in combination with other procedures. People who choose to have liposuction have generally experienced one or more of the following factors:
- It is difficult to find clothing that fits comfortably and creates the desired appearance.
- Diet and exercise have been improved and maintained, but fat deposits in areas such as the buttocks, thighs, and abdomen remain.
- Self-esteem and body confidence are low due to a dissatisfaction with body shape, size, or contour.
It is a recommended practice to obtain a stable and healthy weight prior to the procedure. Liposuction is not a method for weight loss.
Liposuction requires the skin at the targeted area to have adequate elasticity. This procedure does not tighten the skin.
Liposuction Treatment Areas
Most areas of the body can be targeted during liposuction. Common locations that are chosen include:
Ankles and calves
Upper and lower back
Breasts and chest
The inside and outside areas of the thighs
Hips, abdomen, and the sides of the body
Upper arms
Below the chin
Surgical Goals
- Decrease excess fat.
- Produce a more pleasing figure.
No Surgery Is Risk Free
Body Surgery Resources

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