Preparation for Surgery
Once you have booked a date for surgery with Assoc. Prof White we will provide you with the individual hospital’s paperwork to complete. This will also involve the consent form which needs to be signed once you are happy that you understand what the procedure involves.
We can provide you with the most likely item or code numbers for the procedure involved. These are what determines the cover you are entitled to for Medicare rebates and your health insurer*.
* It is particularly important to check with your health insurer as some have exclusions as part of their policies which will mean that they do not cover some procedures.
We will call you a few days prior to your surgery to let you know what time you will be required to fast from and your admission time.
In general, if your surgery is in the:
- MORNING: have nothing to eat or drink* from midnight the night before.
- AFTERNOON: you are permitted to have a light breakfast up until 0700 on the morning of your procedure.
What To Bring With You
- Your Medicare card, insurance details, pensioner cards, DVA cards etc
- A list of any medications or your actual medications if staying overnight (please bring your medications in their original packet/bottles)
- A list of any allergies
- Contact details for a responsible adult/contact perso
- Relevant X-rays, CT scans, ultrasounds, MRI
- Wear comfortable clothes
- If you are staying overnight - pyjamas/sleepwear, change of clothes, toiletries
- Something to read/entertain yourself with - we do our best to minimise waiting times but often there are periods of time when a book can be helpful!
Pre Admission
Even for relatively small procedures the total time in hospital can be several hours. This involves the admission process, getting ready for surgery, being seen by Assoc. Prof White and your anaesthetist, then surgery and recovery time.
Please be aware that it is possible your scheduled surgery time in theatre with Assoc. Prof White may be delayed if the duration of an earlier operation is longer than anticipated; however, we ask you to be patient as Assoc. Prof White will ensure that you also receive the highest level of care and attention during your operation.
A relative or support person is welcome to attend with you and will be able to stay with you for most of the day. If you provide their contact details we can ring them 1/2 hour before you will be ready to be picked up.
Please leave valuables at home or in the care of someone you trust when they come in with you.
Females are advised not to wear make-up, nail polish or fake nails.
Day Surgery
Depending on the type of procedure and anaesthetic you have, you will be in recovery for about an hour.
We will make sure that you are safe to go home. Assoc. Prof White will aim to see you after the procedure as well. Sometimes if the subsequent cases are very long you may be given the option to go home with recovery room nursing review only to save you extensive post operative waiting.
We strongly recommend that an able bodied responsible adult is available to accompany you home and preferably stay with you for 24 hours.
It is important that you don’t drive, drink alcohol, sign legal documents or operate heavy machinery for 24 hours after your procedure.
An appointment will be made for you to see Assoc. Prof White at his rooms approximately one week later.
Inpatient Stay