Breast augmentation surgery, or the insertion of breast implants, is a procedure that can increase, alter, or replace breast volume and shape. Many people choose to undertake this surgery if they feel their breasts are smaller than they would like due to their natural breast size or because they have lost volume during weight loss or breastfeeding. This procedure may also be chosen if a change in the shape or symmetry of the breast is desired.
During breast implant augmentation, implants are placed either behind the chest muscle, which is known as a subpectoral or submuscular placement, or behind the breast, which is known as a subglandular placement. These implants come with two options, which are saline and silicone.
When considering saline Vs silicone implants and making the decision regarding which is better for you, it is important to understand the differences. Each type come with its own benefits and disadvantages, which will be discussed with you during your consultations. It is also important to understand risks associated with breast implants and to know how to prepare for breast implants.
While many treatments can provide great results, it’s always wise to consult with a leading plastic surgeon in Melbourne like A/Prof Dean White to get recommendations that align with your goals.
What Is The Difference Between Saline And Silicone Implants?
Breast implants come with options regarding the amount of projection, the fill volume, and the width of the base. Fundamental to the ability to cater for these choices is what the implants are made of.
The shell of all breast implants consists of silicone, which is an inert polymer. This can be either textured or smooth. The soft tissue within the breast grows into the small interstices of a textured implant’s surface, which means the implant remains relatively firmly in its place. In contrast, the smooth option provides natural-like movement as it can roll within the breast pocket.
When it comes to the inside of a breast implant, the two choices, saline and silicone, can help to meet personal preferences when selected according to goals and requirements.
Sterile salt water is placed into the silicone shell of the implant once it is inserted into the breast. The amount is contingent on the desired volume. Baffled implants involve an inner channel structure, which allows the saline to move in varying directions.
The inert polymer that makes up the shell fills this type of implant in a gel form. The degree of stiffness varies due to the silicone modules’ cohesiveness, which provides choice regarding factors such as flow and movement.
Benefits: Saline Implants Vs Silicone
There is a range of benefits that both types of implants offer, which can make one more suitable over the other for certain people.
Benefits of Saline Implants
Benefits of saline implants include:
- Affordability. The cost difference between saline and silicone can play a part in the decision as saline implants are typically more economically preferable.
- The ability to adjust the volume even after the procedure. This can involve the use of an injection port, which can be removed once the preferred volume is acquired. This often makes saline implants more desirable for people wanting a more noticeable or significantly increased appearance.
- Incision size. This type of implant generally involves a smaller incision than the silicone type. This is because the implant is not filled until after insertion.
- Absorption safety. Because the body can absorb salty water, if a saline implant ruptures, the filling is less problematic than if a silicone implant ruptures.
- Shape. Saline implants can have a more round and full appearance than silicone implants.
- Firmness. Saline implants are generally firm to touch.
Benefits of Silicone Implants
Benefits of silicone implants include:
- Natural appearance. Silicone implants tend to be more like natural breast tissue as they are less viscous than the water-based option and subsequently flow differently. They are also more suitable for people looking for a less significant increase in size. Furthermore, it is generally less likely to be able to see signs of a silicone implant than a saline implant, such as a wrinkling of the surface.
- Leakage or rupture is generally less likely to happen with a silicone implant than a saline implant.
- Softness. Silicone implants feel more like natural breast tissues when touched.
Deciding Between Saline And Silicone Implants Depends On Personal Goals
When choosing which implant to choose for a breast augmentation, it is important to discuss the options with your qualified and experienced surgeon. The factors that can be involved in making the choice include the desired size and fullness, the incision size, the allocated budget, and health factors, such as choosing breast augmentation after breast cancer surgery.
Please make an appointment for a consultation to discuss your options and goals.
Book an appointment with A/Prof Dean White today to discuss your options.